Hello and welcome to my site.

Well, I'm finally getting this done, I guess. I've been thinking about trying to put this together for a while now, but I've not really had the time to get around to it. I'm hoping I can dedicate some time to at least jotting down some thoughts and putting together that podcast I keep wanting to do and keep never doing. Hopefully this doesn't just sit here alone for a long time, but knowing how I am, that is probably just what it is going to do.

I'm putting this together using Publii because I wanted to use a static site generator and this is the only one I could seem to figure out. I'm way out of touch with the world of programming and stuff these days, and trying to quickly figure out some of the other CMS systems was like trying to learn a foreign language. Publii just made sense. There is a lot of stuff I still don't really get, but I doubt it really matters all that much, to be honest. I just wanted to have a place to write some stuff down and have it manage the back end.

Anyway, I think this is about all I'm going to get to today. Hopefully I will keep this up and you'll be able to keep up with what's going on in my life. Talk to you all later!

This article was updated on August 9, 2024